
my advice to you.

If you want to make something happen, fucking get to it. work hard at it. make mistakes, be happy to make them. you're learning that way. talk to people, they are not all douchebags and some might actually be willing to share their knowledge (to your suprise). but again, whatever it is. make sure you actually WORK at it. learn and practice..take your time and be patient. for god sakes PAY YOUR DUES.

and you're not as cool as you like to think you are...so lighten up.


low pressure system...

Saw some (by some I mean a lot of) snow today whilst driving along De Waal drive. It would explain why the most of yesterday I was shivering *inside* my skin. Anyway that's the weather...some dude is on the phone with sue. The motherfucker better be gay because whoever it is certainly loves conversation.


shit where have I been?

Well. Not here. That's clear. I suppose I can honestly say I've been working hard. At home, at work, on myself, on my thinking, on my vocabulary, on downloading music, on mocking people...oh and at wanting more (from myself) and drinking beer.

my cats are going bananas.

fuck..I love em but you should see our couches..



Why start playing your kak music at 10:36 pm? Why do you insist on keeping the "x-bass" booster button on your hi fi on? I get it! you like the deep rumble in your colon! ok! OH NEIGHBOUR WHY ART THOU...

...a douche?


I'm at my best when I'm at my worst...

new cursive song.

drop your jaws! the new cursive is out. from the hips is most bodacious. yes I said it...from the hips.

in other news. hot. bothered. missing biscuit. balancing out the cat love between the old girl mo and the new addition hustle...hoping my boy comes home soon.

ARG! summer and it's cancer. I'm done with sweating.


no more flickr dick sucking.

Okay first, let me admit to a few things before I type the rest of this entry. I'm not a hot shit artist who wakes up late, draws and paints all day and then actually gets paid for it. I don't always put the time in to developing my craft or connecting with other creative people in the world to share ideas. I wish it were all so. And I realise that all of it comes with time spent and drive. But it's just not happening. I admit my laziness along with a pinch of "woe is me"...but just a pinch. I get it. Work more and get better. So, now that my admission of guilt is out of the way, I'll explain the title of this post.

I joined flickr for two reasons. To get inspired and network with illustrators. I'm sure thousands of people use the site for those very reasons already. But for some reason I fell into some sort of bizarre ego stroking cycle that neither encourages creativity nor connects people on any meaningful level.

The cycle goes something like this:

  • I post a picture.
  • I hope to get comments. Hundreds of comments! Then surely my insecurities about my abilities are supressed!
  • So I visit some of my contacts and type really nice, positive and supportive things in the hope they will visit my flickr and do the same.
  • Yay! I get a few positive and supportive comments on MY picture. Whether they are meant or not, who cares? Comments are currency baby...rack em up!
The cycle repeats and the more comments you get, the better you feel about your work. Suck dick to get yours sucked. That's the premise. "Awesome", "cool!" and "great work" get thrown around so much that comments lose their value. Some people get comments about their work and make no attempt to even say thank you. Which is weird for me. Probably because I've been blogging for a long time...and bloggers are pretty respectful that way. They also don't just spew positive comments to get even more positive comments. When they reply to each other they actually MEAN WHAT THEY TYPE. There's SUBSTANCE.

Remember, I admitted I'm lazy in the first paragraph. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'm not using flickr effectively. It is up to me to make meaningful connections. But I thought I would highlight this phenomenon. I can't be the only one who has noticed it?

So I'm done with all of that. If I comment, I'll do so with substance. If I recieve comments I will say thank you and try connect further.


a new equation

nothief + blogging - time spent = useless pile of dog poo.


i want to make things. and then say i made them. and then keep doing that. till my head explodes.

who cares about money! money is for the dogs.

second dog reference in one post. leaving now.


Warden by Richt..

self destruct by Limon art

“Ever Stopped” Art Prints by Daren Newman - go buy that and other cool shit at design supremo


fresh bread!...mmm...hot 'n tasty!

Gang girls by Mike Giant. - go buy!

x revolution by theory one - go see!


Only in America ladies and gentlemen....repeat..

You thought the last 8 years were bad for America? Try another four, this time with a corpse and an Alaskan hocky mom. ..I would have shared my personal opinion on Palin, but hell, Why? Bill Maher says everything best: