
It's procrastination...and it's weird..

...How I start new blogs and then neglect them like brand spanking new, 24 month gym contracts. I'm on now...perhaps I should lighten up on myself.

I'm really loving flickr at the moment. It motivates me to stay creative, my account is http://www.flickr.com/photos/nothief/

Would love for you to visit..below is my latest entry:

"baddies wear beards" - me

You'll notice sketchbooks in my top 5 for the month. I'll be posting more pencil stuff here than anywhere else.

anyhow...here's something beautiful that makes my sketch look silly and amateurish:

"Crayoneater" - James Jean

p.s. will post lots of inspirational stuff next round. I'm getting back into blogs and writing very slowly I'm afraid.


Lady Leather said...

No worries bout the slow writing Nothief...at least you're writing :)

Awesome sketch though! And I love the James Jean one too.
looking forward to seeing more.

Unknown said...

brighton is scary man. iv got an acoustic gig on saturday. im nervous! but i got a job now, working with 3 year olds in a preschool, so thats cool.
how is the band?

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Love Flickr too -lots of good stuff there.